Medjugorje Priest Defrocked

Medjugorje Priest Defrocked July 27, 2009

It’s stories like this that make me think the whole “Rome is just about to overturn the findings of the local ordinary and vindicate my devotion to Medjugorje” narrative is rather wanting in actuality. De-frocking the main carnival barker and telling him to shut the hell up about Medjugorje is a funny way of telegraphing your conviction that he is a prophet without honor and the victim of episcopal neglect by the mean mean bishops of Bosnia-Herzegovina.

Meanwhile, the blogger at Commonweal betrays a very common misunderstanding. Countless Protestants fear that Catholics hail Mary as another god. In reality, some Catholics (like this lady) seem to think she is another Pope.

In point of fact, Mary does not supervene the Pope and ex-Fr. Vlasic can no more posit a duty to obey the Blessed Virgin over the lawful authority of the Church than he can pretend to defy gravity. Defiance of the Pope on this matter will put the boots on this business for anybody of common sense.

There are lots of real private revelations and apparitions. Why waste time on this dodgy stuff?

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