Only an Insane Civilization Calls Abortion “Health Care”

Only an Insane Civilization Calls Abortion “Health Care” August 12, 2009

But then, we live in an insane civilization:

As Ed Morrissey points out, this is essentially sneaking FOCA into a ‘healthcare’ bill to give Congress cover.

On the bright side, because of Obama, more Americans self-identify as pro-life. And with a Congress as cowardly and duplicitous as this, it may make a dent in their attempts to worship Moloch.

Meanwhile, on another lefty front, we are being told that the solution to our woes is, as ever, the elimination of children (always and forever, the elimination of children) since (note the latest trendy mantra) they allegedly increase our carbon footprint.

I’ve been reading the Prophet Chesterton (inspired by the recent conference and in anticipation of next year in Washington DC). The book of choice will be What’s Wrong with the World, given that next year is its 100th Anniversary. Chesterton very sagely sees in all these sundry population control efforts a war of the rich on the weak. The motto is always “Just enough of us. Way too much of you.”

That is why, say what they will, people retain the deep and perfectly justifiable suspicion that the ultimate goal of health care reform, in the hands of our ruling classes, is the murder of the old, weak, and costly, just as it has, for 30 years, been the murder of the young, weak, and costly. The main mistake they make is in imagining that it is only state bean counters on the left who place mammon over human life, when it is quite obvious that supposed “conservative capitalists” are just as easy to turn a quick buck on the death of somebody if they can. The notion that capitalism is somehow God’s Anointed Economic system and not merely a reasonably functional method for doing business is one of the most mysterious places in which American culture has raised a merely human tradition to the level of Sacred Tradition (as the Miller Brewing Company kindly demonstrated a while back).

We live in a culture where capitalism has been largely decoupled from a Christian moral tradition. It it quite as capable of murder as a command economy. What it chiefly seems to do better is keep the murder privatized, just the way we want it.

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