Unleash the Power of the Blog!

Unleash the Power of the Blog! September 24, 2009

A reader writes:

I’ve had two miscarriages in the last year. I have a houseful of wonderful, healthy children and so cannot complain-Our Lord has been extraordinarily generous, and I am deeply thankful. But I am newly expecting again, and frankly, a nervous wreck. We would all so love to welcome another new baby into our home next spring. Could I ask for prayers for the wee one to be born safe and healthy?

Father, hear our pray for a safe pregnancy and delivery for this mother and child through Jesus Christ, your Son. Mother Mary, pray for them both and obtain for Mom the peace that passes understanding. Amen!

And, on a more personal note, my friend Rod Bennett (author of the terrific book Four Witnesses) writes:

Just a note to any of our friends who haven’t got the word: we Bennetts lost our home and practically all of its contents in Monday’s flash flooding here in Georgia. Please be in prayer as we look for guidance on where to go from here and as our kids (who’ve never really known any other home than this one) try to pick up the pieces emotionally.

We’ll be staying with my parents in Marietta for the next week or so.

I spoke to Rod this morning. He was standing in eight inches of mud on the *third* floor of his house. He is the soul of Christian courage and fidelity in all this, though his voice cracked a couple of times and nearly broke my heart. They have lost *everything*. And they had *just* sunk $30,000 dollars into a renovation (“The roof didn’t leak” he said.) Thanks be to God, they have flood insurance and so should be able to find a new home. But everything they own is gone and they are, like us, basically lower middle class folk. His library he built his whole life is goo. All their kids’ things. All his wife treasured. Everything. Look around your home at all the dear familiar things you take for granted. Now imagine it all taken away. Every stick of it. He is meditating on Job and saying to God, “I’m not going anywhere.” But it’s bitterly hard.

They will stay in their folks’ summer home for the time being. But that’s 150 miles away, which means his wife will have to radically scale back her work hours as a nurse–and that means way less income. Plus, the kids are traumatized and are now suddenly thrust into a strange place far from friends and familiar things.

All of which is to say “They could really use, not just your prayers, but your help.”

As it happens I’ve not done a Tin Cup Rattle this quarter since a) I hate doing them and b) God has been generous to us lately. That means that whatever you might have been thinking of putting toward my tin cup is still burning a hole in your pocket and looking for something to do.

So here’s what I’d like to propose: I would like to urge you to go log on to PayPal and click on the “Send Money” tab. Then enter Rod’s email address (wonderboss@yahoo.com) and be as generous as you can be. Do NOT–I repeat, NOT–send the money to me by clicking on my Paypal button, but instead log onto the site and use the “Send Money” tab to get it directly to Rod. If you can’t do the PayPal thang, then please send as big a check as you can to:

Rod Bennett
640 Parkcrest Pl. NE
Marietta GA 30068

I know you guys. I have very high confidence in your generosity and kindness! Please delve down in to those great big hearts of yours and make God proud. Such generosity will be remembered well at on That Day.

And, as you can, link to this post and get others on board to help a good family in desperate need. Unleash the Power of the Blog!

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