
Bruh-ther October 28, 2009

“Barack Obama is the most powerful writer since Julius Caesar”

It is true that Barack Obama has, at his fingertips, more power than all the Caesars who ever lived could have ever imagined. But the NEA bootlicker a) says that like it’s a good thing and b) says it as though this makes Obama a, not merely a great writer, but the greatest writer in 2000 years.

More hilarity from the the Amateur Administration. It seems to be filled with incredibly provincial people from the recesses of the Left and what’s left of the Civil Rights movement. The sort of people who get to minor positions of power in local communities and who can afford to hold forth in half-educated ways (like this) because their local yokels treat them like poobahs. However, suddenly elevated to the national level, their dumb pronouncements about Obama as the Turning Point of History, or Mao as a great philosopher, or (returning to a favorite theme) Obama as the Greatest Writer Since Caesar just make them sound like small town philosophers and amateur demagogues and suck ups.

That’s the big disconnect I’m seeing between the Administration in its actions and the hilariously inflated terror this Administration strikes in the heart of the Thing that Used to Be Conservatism. The Right, having itself embraced Machiavellian schemers like Cheney as heros, now assumes that its enemies are all Machiavellian schemers of Byzantine complexity, all as hungry as they are for power by whatever unscrupulous means it can be achieved. But the Administration, while certainly as power hungry as the average Beltway critter, does not strike me as nearly as polished and devious as the skilled Machiavellians who now control the Thing that Used to Be Conservatism. Again and again, the blunders of the Obamaphiles are the blunders made by amateurs, not by smooth operators.

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