War Criminal Who Cannot Tell Difference…

War Criminal Who Cannot Tell Difference… December 1, 2009

between brutality and courage lectures Prez on weakness. This is the guy who helped spend us into the ground declaring “Deficits don’t matter” as he lied “Simply stated, there is no doubt that Saddam Hussein now has weapons of mass destruction.” Turns out there was plenty of doubt from the UN weapons inspectors. But he wanted his war cuz he’s all about not looking weak. And he was all about torture and telling lies to cover it up.

I got plenty of problems with this Administration. But Cheney’s not the guy I’m gonna get my critiques from. The guy should be behind bars, not whipping up the Rubber Hose Right. However, being an old Beltway Insider, he will undoubtedly die in his bed like Richard Rich.

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