Martha Coakley argues for the constitutional mandate of…

Martha Coakley argues for the constitutional mandate of… January 15, 2010

…separation of Church and hospitals.

Quite right! I mean, what did Catholics ever do for medicine besides invent the hospital and found thousands of them around the world. Clearly, this superstitious lot has given no thought to medical ethics like some wet-behind-the-ears Lefty committed to the sacrament of abortion and the “Consent is the Sole Criterion of the Good” ethos of the Pepsi Generation.

I have a priest friend who worries, not the that Church won’t survive the US, but that the US, in its zeal to destroy the Church’s social infrastructure and give it to the blundering oafs of the State, will not survive. Elect morons like Coakley and we can use Massachusetts as a living laboratory to see what happens.

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