A reader writes:

A reader writes: February 24, 2010

Say one witnesses an unidentified flying object–I realize that many in our Scriptures have experienced unexplained, flying objects as well–but what am I, a modern-day, practical Catholic of a stable mindset (assuredly so), to make of this eerie experience? Am I to automatically assume it is the work of the devil trying to teeter my faith foundation? Or…?

I wouldn’t assume that. The key thing to remember about Unidentified flying objects is that they are unidentified. As to paranormal phenomena in general, I suspect they have to be evaluated on a case by case basis. We live in a weird universe. Instantly making assumptions is generally a bad idea. Chapter 3 of Volume 3 of Mary, Mother of the Son gives a great deal of practical advice for dealing with the weird phenomena of private revelation, whether genuine, false or fake. On the whole, I tend to assume that supposed extraterrestial visit claims are are fake or false, though I reckon it’s *possible* we’ve had visitors. If we have, then they come from heaven, hell, or this created order. If the former, then you are safe. If hell, then run. If this created order, then they are likely rational animals like you (though, of course, Hitler was a rational animal too, so you might not be safe). What does strike me about the stories of close encounters that are the most plausible is how *creepy* they are and how weirdly meaningless the actions of the aliens often are according to eyewitnesses. This inclines me to suspect that the phenomenon is not spiritually healthy, whatever it is.

But mostly, I don’t bother about such stuff. So my opinion and five bucks’ll get you a cup of Starbucks. 🙂

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