As usual…

As usual… March 23, 2010

Zippy nails it.

I too await breathlessly the moment when the Debate Club at Auschwitz really goes to town with that whole “abortion is the gravest moral issue of our time” stuff now that they have, once again, gotten what they wanted. So far, they are busy berating prolifers for being so, you know, prolife. (Turns out prolifers got almost everything they wanted, except for, like, not being forced to fund abortion.) Also, they very much wish to protest mocking Democrat commitment to abortion with terms like “sacrament of abortion”. And, they have inaugurated the New Era of Moral Priorities by attending to the most pressing issue of our time in a brisk and orderly fashion.

One of the many patterns I have noticed among people who labor to excuse huge evils is that they are incredibly sensitive about minor linguistic points. I can’t count how many times I have gotten tearful rebukes from torture defenders because I am so *mean* and actually use words like “torture defender” to describe people who are looking me in the eye and saying that this is not torture. Similarly, people determined to make excuses for pols whose whole career has centered around grotesque justifications for abortion, justifications extending to invocations of Sts. Thomas and Augustine, tend to get oh-so-upset when you employ the mocking phrase “sacrament of abortion” to describe their twisted theology. This tendency to strain at linguistic gnats and swallow moral camels is one of the warning signs I now look for when detecting the presence of evil.

Oh, I almost forgot, as Zippy points out that whole Massachusetts victory thing is really working out well, ain’t it? Now we’ve got the Health Care Package *and* a GOP senator who supports Roe, ESCR and torture and who looks good in a centerfold! The triumph of Catholics compromising their principles!

“To get the man’s soul and give him nothing in return—that is what really gladdens our Father’s heart.” – Uncle Screwtape

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