Adventures in Soft Totalitarianism

Adventures in Soft Totalitarianism April 29, 2010

Bureaucrats in the People’s Republic of Maplegrad are in a bind. They really want to force Catholic schools to shut up, bend over, and sing the glory and praise polymorphous perversity. But, being Canadians, they don’t quite know how to impose draconian policies on Catholic schools while maintaining the all important value of Niceness. So while there is rumbling and mumbling about how “shocking” it is that a Catholic school might actually want to teaching, you know, Catholic teaching the cubicle dwellers and brownshirt wannabes can’t quite bring themselves to threaten sacking and sending to the gulag those Catholics who resist the new directives from the Ministry of New Sexual Truth.

Canadians, like so many groin-obsessed North Americans are caught in a sort of riptide between the need to create a world of ease and unlimited pelvic pleasure and the need to get up off the divan and start brutally kicking butt in order to *force* resistant Christians to comply and punish them (brutally, if they had their lazy druthers) for standing in the way. Our culture is in a horse race between lust and sloth on this point. Will lazy niceness that can’t be troubled to really pound all those Traditional Values types into the dirt win? Or will the zealots for pornification steel themselves and screw their courage to the sticking point in order to really serve their idol with true devotion by expunging the last remnants of sexual normality from Catholic teaching once and for all with draconinan punishments for resisters?

Hard to say.

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