The Countdown to my Videocasting Adventure Continues!

The Countdown to my Videocasting Adventure Continues! April 9, 2010

In three days, on April 12, we will be kicking off my “Daily Sheavings” — encouraging words designed to give you the will to chew through the leather straps and march off to do battle with the forces of Duh and the Powers of Blah and Evil of Yecch!

Daily Sheavings: Part of a complete breakfast

But, of course, that’s just the balloon animal warmup for the magic show.

The main event gets inflated with hydrogen and hit with an arc welder at 7:00 PM Pacific time on April 21 and 28, when we will kick off Streaming Sheavision with a two part interactive session on Evangelization and Apologetics. We will offer those two sessions as freebies and you’ll be able to watch and participate right here on Catholic and Enjoying it.

After that, we will be offering free open chat sessions (likely at 6:00 PM Pacific on Wednesdays) followed at 7:00 by one hour sessions on all sorts of issues in Catholic theology–to our premium members. To find out more (and sign up now!) go to And, of course, that’s just the beginning of the goodies.

Alert the Media! Alert Medea! Alert the Midians! Alert the Medes!

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