I am, as you might guess…

I am, as you might guess… June 7, 2010

plowing through all the mail that built up during our sojourn at our Hidden Island Redoubt and in the aftermath known as “last week”. (We had a fun time, thank you much, though weather-wise it was the worst trip we’ve ever had. I think I’m going to blame the Iceland volcano). However, even a crappy day at our Hidden Island Redoubt is better than a nice day working so: no complaints.

Anyhow, my pal Dale Alquist, TV Megastar, Executive Producer of Manalive (coming soon in a decade near you!), raconteur and lover of all things Chestertonian, writes:

G.K. Chesterton is 136 years old today, May 29, 2010. Please celebrate by giving a gift to Chesterton Academy.

Our exciting new high school in St. Louis Park, Minnesota, has been blessed with a miraculous a $75,000 challenge grant from Minneapolis entrepreneur Andrew Redleaf (Full story here: http://chestertonacademy.org/news). For every dollar we raise from now until June 15, 2010, he will match it, dollar-for-dollar, up to $75,000. This means we can raise $150,000 for the school.

Here’s the good news: We are half way there! We have raised over $38,000 in just two weeks!! We have just over two weeks to raise the rest of the money.

Please make a donation today and help us meet our goal. Your gift is tax-deductible, and even better, it will be doubled!

You can donate here: http://chestertonacademy.org/support

Thank you so much, and Happy Birthday, GKC!

Your servant,

Dale Ahlquist
President, American Chesterton Society
4117 Pebblebrook Circle
Minneapolis, MN 55437

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