It’s LGBT Pride Month!

It’s LGBT Pride Month! June 7, 2010

And who among us is immune from the excitement! What better way to honor the source and summit of all that is noble, true, good and beautiful than with the celebration of the virtue of Pride! Why, Pride is something that Scripture associates with God’s brightest angel! How better we celebrate the wonders and glories of homosexuality and polymorphous perversities in all their kaleidoscopic variety than with the glorious and triumphal achievement of Pride! And what better way to raise up your children (the earlier the better) than to teach them about as many an d varies kinds of sex as possible and, above all, to teach them to have Pride: Pride in themselves, Pride in whatever it is they feel like doing with their groin without regard to the common good, and above all, Pride in this Great Nation that is so very very Proud. In Pride we trust!

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