Monsanto: Another EvilCorp

Monsanto: Another EvilCorp June 14, 2010

A reader writes:

Chairman Chez..

Being a fellow Washingtonian and having been introduced to the distributive beauty of community-supported agriculture, farmers markets, and co-ops, I’ve found this pretty disturbing:

Monsanto ‘donates’ seed to Haiti, giving farmers there the opportunity to be chained to the Yoke of Monsanto for the rest of their lives.

We’ve seen this before..

Percy was included in a documentary called The Future of Food.

I’m just curious why Chestertonians, Front Porchers, Crunchy Cons, and distributists of all stripes aren’t up in arms over what’s happening to agriculture.

Just ranting.. thanks again for a great blog and all your efforts.

Can’t speak for other Chestertonians, but this one say, “Cuz it’s not in the news much so I haven’t followed the story.” I am pretty disgusted though. It’s like a drug dealer joining a therapy group for people struggling with depression in order to get them all hooked on uppers. Monstrous to exploit human suffering in this way.

Update: According to coments on this blog, Monsanto is only evil with NorthAmerican farmers and their contractual obligation, not with Haitian farmers.

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