Fun with Massive Ear Infections…

Fun with Massive Ear Infections… July 19, 2010

…and no health insurance.

Prayers appreciated. I have a raging inner ear infection and am already about $200 bucks down with no appreciable results from the 6000 mgs and counting of amoxicillin I have taken since Saturday. The ear, which was initially just muffled, is now starting to feel stabbing pains.

I had that ear lanced in sixth grade, one of my most traumatic childhood memories. I naturally look forward to repeating that experience with breathless anticipation.

There’s a chance they gave me the wrong antibiotic. Amoxicillin has done nada when the problem was bronchitis and the nurse is saying, “But the doctor prescribed Augmentin.

I don’t know from nothing. I just want the hurting to stop. I dosed up with Ibuprofen and am waiting to hear back from the doc.

Whine. Complain. Anyway, prayers appreciated.

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