Rick Santorum is a damp-handed despicable cad

Rick Santorum is a damp-handed despicable cad May 19, 2011

“Former Sen. Rick Santorum said Tuesday that Sen. John McCain, who spent 5 1/2 years enduring brutal treatment at the hands of his North Vietnamese captors, doesn’t know how effective waterboarding and other harsh interrogation techniques can be.”

McCain has blasphemed the lastest meme from the talking heads of the GOP by pointing out that there is fact, no evidence that “torture got bin Laden”. So Rick “Vote for Specter” Santorum sallies forth to tell a man who suffered under North Vietnamese “enhanced interrogation” that he is not near the expert that the wimps, cowards, and draft dodgers who created the Bush/Cheney torture regime are.

With this latest move, the torture apologists move, not merely from being advocates of mortal sin, but, I think, into something like treason. As the consensus of interrogators from all branches of the military and intelligence community attest, torture not only does not work, it is counter-productive. It’s harvest is bad intel and it leads to wild and expensive goose chases. In fact, it failed to get bin Laden and real and humane interrogation did the job in getting bin Laden.

Yet, still these liars maintain the lie that we need torture to save us. Why? Because they care more about saving themselves and their reputations than they do about the good of this country. So they continue to broadcast the lie that torture saved us when, in fact, it harmed us and made us more vulnerable by generating bad intel. In cold fact, they would prefer America be vulnerable to another 9/11 than that we know their torture policies were worthless and harmful to our intel gathering efforts.

I hope these guys get tried for treason someday. But then again, I hope the Mariners win the World Series someday.

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