Gone Today

Gone Today June 24, 2011

Back on Monday. Please don’t put no beans up your noses. By the way, I’ve decided, after more prayer to take down my initial post about Fr. Corapi. I didn’t do that after my apology for my anger because, though I regretted (and apologized for) the anger behind it, I didn’t regret the substance of it. However, since then I have written a couple of more posts that dealt more with the details of why I think Fr. Corapi’s claims are full of holes, but without the anger of my initial response. Since the goal is to get at accuracy and not simply to vent, I decided those other posts do the job and don’t queer the pitch with a bunch of unhelpful anger. So I’m taking that first post down.

Anyway, I’m gone till Monday. Please be nice to each other and let us pray for each other. And, once again, comments are closed on this entry since I have no time to monitor the insanity of the Corapi-related traffic. Down below, there is a lovely video from Jesse Romero, praying for Fr. Corapi. Lots of people have been writing to tell me my reaction to his abandonment of his vows sucked I could really stand to imitate them. No argument from me. This hasn’t been fun for me and if I could persuade myself to trust Fr. Corapi I would. But I can’t. Too many holes in the tales he tells. So instead I pray for him in union with Jesse and Co. Hope you will too, and will pray for me too. I realize a lot of you guys are angry at me. I can’t help that, but I hope you can forgive me and hand me and the rest of us skeptics about Fr. Corapi’s honesty over to God. Eventually the truth will come to light, whatever is true. If it turns out I have been unjust then that will come to light and I will apologize. If it turns out Fr. Corapi is in the wrong, then that will come to light too. Either way, the Light is Christ and he is merciful, so may Fr. Corapi and all us skeptics of his tales and critics of his treatment of his bishop and of his office find grace and mercy before God our Father through Christ our Lord.

Ciao. Back Monday.

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