Prayer Request

Prayer Request July 9, 2011

Would appreciate your prayers for our younger daughter. So much going on right now and I won’t go into detail, but she is in process of divorcing her husband, is taking care of their daughter, broke, and has made at least one token attempt at suicide – I say ‘token’ because it consisted in wine and pills and then ‘phoning her friend to help her. My wife and I are praying to St Philomena for her.

Father, we ask that you would grant the grace of hope and faith to your precious daughter, so beaten down by life right now. Help her to refuse the path of death, to take hold of your Son’s hand, and to get the help and support she needs. Bring your Church to her aid and surround her with her guardian angels. Protect her daughter as well and grant grace, peace, strength and prudence to her and her family in this difficult time. Mother Mary and St. Philomena, pray for her. We ask all this through Christ our Lord and pray that this will all issue in glory to your Name and joy for her and all who love her.

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