Reader and fellow blogger Chris Hill writes…

Reader and fellow blogger Chris Hill writes… July 8, 2011

Just thought it was funny that an anonymous blog comment on my blog called you and I “evil.” It was a comment on this post.

I could tell from the source history that he viewed your blog and then went to mine next, but I don’t know who it is. I’m new to blogging, but I assume this is a common thing.

Source history? I don’t know what that is, but it sounds useful. How do you find that?

As to the content of your reader’s gripe, my guess was that he saw the words “Abu Ghraib” in your post and reacted Pavlovianly to that visual stimuli, like a dog salivating at a picture of a steak. People taught by Talk Radio to think in shibboleths rather than rationally often act that way.

It is always amusing to me that the chickenhawks and crackerbarrel patriots who anonymously post to attack their Talk-Radio-designated enemies see no problem slamming even the soldiers who serve them when it’s a choice between honoring your service or giving up their fat-butted, civilian rah rah beer and brass bands nationalism. They yammer on about “honoring the troops” in theory. But the moment you are perceived to disagree with the Crazy Right, you are “evil”. And they aren’t afraid to say it to your face–anonymously.

For my part, I thank you for your service, Chris. Don’t let the crazy chickenhawks get you down.

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