Prayer Request and Work of Mercy Proposal

Prayer Request and Work of Mercy Proposal September 6, 2011

A reader writes:

A few months ago I wrote to you to ask for prayers and help as my husband faced illness and unemployment. Unfortunately, there is little good news since then. Your readers came through wonderfully in generousity and we were able to get the testing my husband needed, but we’ve been forced to wait 3 months for the followup appointment through the charity clinic at the university hospital (the only place that will see uninsured patients without cash in hand) so we still don’t have a diagnoses or treatment for my husband’s GI issues. In the meantime, his mental health has rapidly followed the decay of his physical health and our marriage is under severe strain. I’m due to give birth within the next few weeks and the emotional estrangement and constant stress is taking a toll on me. We aren’t able to collect unemployment because my husband is ill, and he isn’t able to work enough to pay all of our bills. For the sake of our kids, there doesn’t seem to be much choice ahead of us but to move across the country to live with family – an option that my husband, in his distressed mental condition, finds himself unable to face. At present I am afraid my children and I may make the move without him.

I am frightened for my marriage and for my husband’s well being.

I ask you and your readers to pray with me especially for the intercession of St. Raphael, patron of healers, and St. Joseph, patron of fathers and husbands. We could use a miracle. And I need peace and strength for whatever comes.

Father, hear our prayer that the needs of this family be met by your Body until such time as it pleases you to grant them Providence through work. We ask that you would strengthen them in the sacrament of marriage, help them overcome their health issue by your healing power, and provide a safe and stable home for their kids. Send them friends and Christian charity and the dignity of good work. We ask this through Christ our Lord and with the intercession of Mother Mary and St. Joseph. Also, we ask that St. Michael and their guardian angels would fight for them and blunt the attacks of any unclean spirits that may be making war on them.

St. Michael the Archangel, defend them in battle. Be their defense against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him we humbly pray. Thrust into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls.

Come Holy Ghost, Creator blest, and in our hearts take up thy rest. Come with thy grace and heavenly aid, to fill the hearts which thou hast made.

Finally, Body of Christ, let me propose the following. I would like to take up a collection for this family. In order to preserve their anonymity I will act as middleman. Please donate as generously as you can by clicking on the donate button below and PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE marking out the donation for the Struggling Family Fund (so I can distinguish it from other payments from other folks for other stuff). Whatever you send, I will forward to my reader. Let’s help this family out! Whatsoever you do for the least of these…

I’ll try to keep a running tally and let you know how we do. I have great faith in the generosity of youse guys.

Above all, says my reader, what is necessary is prayer for her and her family, which can work wonders by the power of God.

Speaking of which, I just heard from a reader the other day:

Mark… you reposted a prayer request that I made to you several years ago about my friends 2yr old who had stage 4 liver cancer. She is now a 7 year old Cancer survivor. Thought you might like to know. 🙂

Your prayers matter! Thanks for offering them so faithfully all these years.

One last thing: I’m time stamping this 9/6/11 so it will remain at the top of the page till then as a reminder to you youse guys to give generously. Please scroll down past this to see new blog entries till that date passes.

Update: Wow! Tally for Thursday morning: $4666! Keep it up! You guys are fantastic! Thanks to every single one of you! Keep it coming! They need all the help they can get!

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