Big News!

Big News! September 28, 2011

After nearly a decade at this URL, Catholic and Enjoying It will be moving to the Patheos site (alongside such fine folk as Elizabeth Scalia, Deacon Greg Kandra, Frank Beckwith and Max Lindenman).

The move is prompted by two things: a) the fact that I respect the work that Lizzie Scalia and the gang do and am confident that I will be allowed to continue to express whatever thoughts I like, no matter how stupid (while they bring up the grade curve with much smarter and better copy–thereby making me look good); and b) the ongoing struggle to keep the family’s nose above water financially. This move (made possible by a gracious invitation from Ms. Scalia and gratefully accepted after some long thought and prayer) will open a quite modest but consistent revenue stream which we at Chez Shea desperately need. I wish I could say for sure that means the end of my (frankly hated) tin cup rattles (and I fervently hope that it will). But I don’t know how that will pan out, so no promises.

Meanwhile, the main thing is this: On Monday, God willin’ and the crick don’t rise, Catholic and Enjoying It will cast off the trappings of Blogger (to which I bid a fond farewell and say thank you) and take up residence at a link which we have yet to nail down, since web elves are still busy migrating my archives and other stuff over to Patheos. As soon as I know more, I will post it. The only difference you will notice is that the site will have a somewhat different look, as well as a lot of the same stuff on the rail and exactly the same stuff in the blog entries as here, cuz I’ll be writing it. I do hope you will traipse over there and join us for more scintillating chats, arguments and whimsy. I’m excited about the move and hopeful that this will not just continue to make youse guys informed, challenged and amused, but open up new audiences to this curious watering hole for gabbing about the Faith and its intersections and collisions with post-modern culture. Look for the launch Monday morning, October 3. Be there! Aloha!

By the way, speaking of nose above water labors, I would appreciate your prayers as I slog through two giant editing/writing projects I am working on, as well as finishing up two books and doing various other projects. Also, your prayers that I am able to pin down another possible steady source of income would be appreciated. God is good and has provided for us every single day on this 6+ year highwire act of trust in Providence. But there are days when I feel like Peter looking down and thinking, “What am I doing? I can’t walk on water!”

Finally, thank you all again so much for your incredibly kind generosity in the Tin Cup Rattle. I don’t know what to say, so I will say, “May God bless you fourfold through Christ our Lord for your kindness to the Fambly Shea.”

PS: Just to be super clear, it’s *this* blog, not my blog at the Register, that is moving.

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