Five twitter theology feeds: the gospel, hyervigilant moralism, law and order, God’s glory, Good Samaritan

Five twitter theology feeds: the gospel, hyervigilant moralism, law and order, God’s glory, Good Samaritan July 9, 2017

I’ve been traveling for the past week so I’ve only had internet access on my phone. I recently got back into twitter again after being dormant for a while. One difference this time is posting in feed chains rather than just stand-alone tweets. I’ve made five different theology feeds over the past several days which I’m sharing below. So click on a thread (or several) and tell me what you think.

1. The gospel as I understand it

This is my attempt to summarize the gospel that I believe without defining it in polemical reaction against anything else.

2. Hypervigilant moralism

A friend retweeted something from ex-gay activist Jackie Hill Perry and I looked on her timeline and all I saw was zeal about sin; there was nothing about Jesus. In evangelicalism, there’s a major temptation to build your spiritual life around hypervigilant moralism rather than the pursuit of union with Christ.

3. White evangelicalism’s law and order problem

White evangelicals have an impoverished view of justice as law and order, and it starts with their understanding of why Jesus’ cross is necessary.

4. God’s glory and holiness — beauty or totalitarian power?

God’s glory and holiness are amorphous terms that, at their best, are synonymous with beauty, and at their worst, resemble totalitarian power.

5. The Good Samaritan story as the Christian model for morality

In Jesus’ famous Good Samaritan parable, we see that the morality he promotes looks more like cultivated empathy than compliance with authority.

Check out my book How Jesus Saves the World From Us: 12 Antidotes to Toxic Christianity!

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