Guest Post re LGBT Policy

Guest Post re LGBT Policy January 20, 2016

The following is published with permission and written by Wiktoria Heinz, MD.  Dr. Heinz is a trauma doctor in Sweden and Finland where she works at level 1 hospitals and a member of the Church for 30 years.

I’ve been pondering deeply about how I’m going to phrase this.

People sometimes ask me if it’s not scary to be a doctor when there’s lots of blood and stuff. And the answer is no. You get used to it and we have directions in what to do in basically every given situation. There is one situation however when there is no handbook that can help. 

That is in how to break the news to a parent that their child is no longer alive. That cutting scream or dense silence that follows is a sensation you never will forget. Nor will the ones who’s heart you tore apart. The following question almost always is WHY??? 

This afternoon, according to my sources, I found out that over 20 young persons have committed suicide since the handbook clarification became known to the public.* 20. How many more haven’t tried? How many more don’t think or even plan? How many more aren’t just heartbroken because they, or their future children will be excluded from something they’ve been told their entire life is the most important thing? The scale of this tragedy is really starting to hit me. My prayers are with the youth. With their families and also with all the medical personnel that attend them. My prayers are with the leaders of the Church.

I’m NOT searching any religious battle in this. Honestly, I don’t care who said what and when. As a doctor I simply cannot stand by and do nothing. I’ve sworn an oath in doing my outmost to save lifes. Lives are being spilled here. Young lives. I beg, especially Pres Nelson (being a doctor himself) as a colleague to reconsider. Please set aside any possible doctrinal errors in this. Can’t that matter be sorted out later, if necessary? Just allow young (well, and old too) people to live an authentic life and be able to feel included in the LDS community if they so wish. I really beg for this one. Because I simply cannot see WHY NOT.

Thank you for reading.

Wiktoria Heinz

(*) Source from Mama Dragons, confirmed.
I got a very thorough explanation in how the data was collected (especially to avoid doubles), and it was satisfying to me (being an academic researcher myself).

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