If God is a Good God, Why Would He Allow Bad Things to Happen to Good People?

If God is a Good God, Why Would He Allow Bad Things to Happen to Good People? February 22, 2013

War. Famine. Tsunamis. Genocide. Starvation. Earthquakes. Child Trafficking. Murder. Hurricanes. Why is there so much evil in the world today? More importantly, if God really is a good God, then why would he allow such evil to flourish in the world today?

We’ve all wrestled with this existential question before. We’ve all been overwhelmed with the chaos in the world. It’s why you don’t like watching the news anymore. Who needs to be reminded every night that this world is going to hell?

But this question is more than just abstract. It’s personal. You’ve experienced loss, hurt and heartache. You’ve gone through difficult circumstances and lost loved ones before their time. Where was God then? If God is a good God, then why would he allow bad things to happen to good people?

This question cuts to the core of whether or not we believe God is a good God. Is God good? Is he too weak to stop the evil in the world? Does he even care? I know the trite answer is “God has a plan,” but when you’re overwhelmed by the mass brutality of mankind, it’s easy to question that pat answer.

There is an answer, but it might not be what you think. This topic is what we’re talking about this Sunday at Mt Vernon Church. If you’re in town, come at 9:00 or 10:30 to hear the answer. If you’re out of town, watch us live (or archived later on) at www.mtvchurch.tv (we’re live at 10:30 CST). See you then!

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