God’s fingerprints in all reality

God’s fingerprints in all reality February 20, 2017


I hope to see some of you this weekend when I give a series of lectures in Roanoke, Va, at Grace Church and St. John Lutheran church.  The series is entitled, “Divine Signs: God’s Fingerprints in All of Reality.”  Here is the schedule:


7:00 Fri night at Grace Church

  1. The whole earth is full of his glory (Is 6.3)
    1. How God fills all the world with types

9:00 Sat morn at St. John

  1.  The heavens declare the glory of God (Ps 19.1)
    1. God’s signatures in nature and science
  2. God’s law written on their hearts (Rom 2.15)
    1. How the world’s moralities and laws testify to God’s law

8:15 at St. John and 10:45 Sun morn at Grace

  1. “Moses wrote about me” (John 5.46)
    1. The types of Jesus and redemption hidden in the Hebrew Scriptures

6:00 Sun evening at Grace

  1. “He made everything beautiful in its time” (Eccles 3.11)
    1. What sports tell us about life under God


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