April 16, 2015

Earth Day is a fantastic secular holiday; but for us who think of the earth as a spiritual entity, it is a great opportunity for our children to learn about our faith! Read more

April 9, 2015

Paganism has a reputation of being for teenagers and experimenting twenty-somethings, but I honestly feel like it's the best choice for a mother of three from the midwest as well! Read more

April 8, 2015

Articles on birth and death, families and ancestor work. Read more

April 1, 2015

As a single Pagan, I understood the eight holidays of the Wheel of the Year in a very different way than I do now as a mother connecting to my community. Here's some simple suggestions for bringing the joy of Beltane to friends and neighbors without pushing religion on anyone. Read more

March 12, 2015

My children have taught me so many things over the years, but the most important as a Pagan parent has been an appreciation for the beauty all around me. Read more

March 3, 2015

Pagan Families is a multi-author blog about Paganism, pregnancy, parenting, and family life, yes, but it’s also a resource library and a community discussion forum. We publish new articles here. We share and discuss them and lots more on Facebook and Twitter. Then each month, I round up the best new writing and resources and put it into a post, like this one for February. But first, a bit of news: we welcome Jason Mankey as the new Patheos Pagan editor... Read more

February 25, 2015

Sometimes the most painful, terrible experiences can also be doors to a better understanding of the world around us. The story of my miscarriage ends on a hopeful note; I am learning to cope with the heartbreak. Read more

February 23, 2015

I lie awake in the dark with my children beside me, one on each side. The little one snuggles with her whole body, the big one with just an outstretched hand. I remember when she followed me in her sleep like a sunflower follows the sun; now when she does that, it usually means she needs another blanket. As I write this, I’m starting the slow process of night-weaning my second child, and it’s gotten me thinking on how we... Read more

February 18, 2015

What's the difference between an imaginary friend and a child that communicates with the spirits? Maybe not that much. Read more

February 12, 2015

Learning how to take time out for ourselves - whether that means limiting ritual hosting to four times a year, or accepting that it's okay to let a toddler cry for a few minutes while you rinse the shampoo out of your hair - is an essential part of being healthy, happy human beings. Read more

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