May 22, 2024

 by John C. Preiss Reflecting on this particular subject brings me back to the time of my conversion to the catholic faith.  Adoring Jesus in the Eucharist transformed my life.  I made many visits to the local Catholic Church sitting in front of Jesus and sharing my heart.  Today in our society, it is difficult to find peace in a world filled with constant noise and distractions. However, for us who seek spiritual healing and renewal, Eucharistic Adoration offers a... Read more

December 24, 2023

By John C. Preiss In the Catholic faith, the belief in the real presence of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament is a cornerstone of our belief. This profound belief holds that during the Eucharistic celebration, the bread and wine become the body and blood of Jesus Christ. If we Understand and embrace the power of Jesus truly present in the Blessed Sacrament, He can transform our spiritual lives. One way to connect with this divine presence is through the practice... Read more

December 24, 2023

    Being present is the key to being a good Father Being a good father is a lifelong commitment that goes beyond providing for your family’s needs. It involves being present in their lives, actively engaging with them, and creating lasting memories. In today’s fast-paced world, where distractions abound, the importance of being present in the family cannot be overstated. I am still learning new ways each day on how to be a better father.  The Fatima Family Apostolate... Read more

September 5, 2023

Do you often find yourself living in the past?  If so, it’s not always a bad thing it can be good to reminisce on things from time to time.  When it becomes a problem is when we remind ourselves over and over of our failures and flaws.  This tends to haunt us and creates a notion that we are not good enough this is when guilt overwhelms us. Feeling guilty can really hand tie us in our spiritual growth.  One... Read more

August 29, 2023

The evil one is really working hard to find ways to destroy you and anyone that you love.  You may ask why? What do you mean?  Well, it is so visible today and our government has ushered it in with acceptance.  I probably would never write about such a subject, but I encountered this personally.  If you have an encounter, ask this question first. What does the Catholic Church say about healing stones or the occult?  As Catholics we rely... Read more

August 28, 2023

In our culture today we lack a strong masculine presence.  Years ago, a column written by Ann Landers reviewed what a man had wrote, “Mother ran our family. Daddy was a wimp. If anyone is at fault, it’s him.  Almost all of my teachers were all effeminate.  In one school the only male employee was the janitor.  I was disciplined and rewarded exclusively by women.  I learned early where the power was, and I wanted to be on the winning... Read more

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