Denise Anderson to Preach at #PYM17

Denise Anderson to Preach at #PYM17 September 28, 2016

denise-headshot-2At the 222nd General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (USA) this past summer, newly elected co-moderator Denise Anderson boldly wore a #BlackLivesMatter t-shirt as she led a predominantly white gathering of an overwhelmingly white denomination. It was a profound moment.

We’re thrilled to announce that Denise will join our great lineup of speakers as the closing preacher at #PYM17. We know that she will bring a timely word to the progressive youth workers who will gather at Montreat Conference Center to reflect on Jesus’ call to change our hearts and lives.

Denise was born in Oxford, England while both of her parents served in the U.S. Air Force. She graduated from Virginia Commonwealth University in Richmond, Virginia and continued her studies at Howard University School of Divinity in Washington, D.C. While under care, Anderson served on her presbytery’s Committee on Representation and as a Pastoral Assistant at Taiwanese Presbyterian Church of Washington, where she led the English Ministry. She wrote for National Capital Presbytery’s monthly newsletter, which later inspired her to start her own blog, SOULa Scriptura: To Be Young, Gifted, and Reformed. In 2014, Anderson accepted a call to pastor Unity Presbyterian Church in Temple Hills, Maryland. She continues to serve National Capital Presbytery where she continues to serve on the Leadership Council and as a Vital Signs© interpretation consultant. She is also on the NEXT Church strategy team, and continues to write, having appeared in a number of publications and contributed to the book, There’s a Woman in the Pulpit: Christian Clergywomen Share Their Hard Days, Holy Moments and the Healing Power of Humor.

We hope you’ll join us for PYM17 at Montreat Conference Center, March 8-10, 2017.

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