Dear Pope Francis, Welcome to America

Dear Pope Francis, Welcome to America September 29, 2015


Photo Source: Flickr Creative Commons by Aleteia Image Department
Photo Source: Flickr Creative Commons by Aleteia Image Department

Catholic Vote produced a beautiful video, Dear Pope Francis, Welcome to America.

It contains the lovely prayer that God would make Americans worthy of the gift of liberty and justice for all. That is a uniquely American prayer and a good one.

I was so proud of my country last week as I watched Pope Francis visit us. I was also so proud of my pope. After I watched him get on the plane to leave, I went outside where my husband was charcoaling hamburgers for our supper — which is another American invention.

“I hate to see the pope go,” I told him. “I wish he could stay longer.”

Later, on the plane, Pope Francis remarked that the he was surprised by how warm and loving the American people are. Why would he be surprised? I’m guessing he had been reading our crazy-mean commenters and press, and the equally crazy-means to who visit internet com boxes. That kind of reading could give anyone the idea that the American people are not only ugly, hate-filled and spiteful, they are more than a little bit insane.

Fortunately, those folks only speak for themselves.

The rest of us love Pope Francis. I doubt very much that I was the only American who wished he could stay longer and see more of this great country.

I am proud of my country, and I am proud of my pope.

God bless America. Thank you for giving us this wonderful, loving Holy Father

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