“By Allah, he is not a believer! By Allah, he is not a believer!

By Allah, he is not a believer. One whose neighbour does not feel safe from
his evil” — Prophet Muhammad.

A Muslim response to the terror attacks in Brussels

Once again terrorism has rocked a major global city. The Center of global Diplomacy and global governance, Brussels, was rocked by terrorist attacks, claimed by ISIS that have killed at least 30 and injured over 200. Globalization has brought much that is desirable and is truly bringing people closer, but it also has its dark side and one of them is the globalization of terror — Paris, Ankara, Peshawar, Brussels.. the trail of blood and devastation is truly worldwide.

I express my condolences to the friends and family of the victims, they are in our prayers and I vociferously condemn the ideas, values and impulses behind this dastardly act.

While the world is shocked and in sorrow, political opportunists and hate mongers are going to town. This is the time to unite, share comfort and security and remind ourselves that it is our values of tolerance, pluralism, love for humanity and the desire to do good that make us human and not hate, anger and violence.

As hate mongers move to capture the moment to gain politically, people who care for a pluralist and harmonious world must unite and repel these advances. We must unite to fight terror and also work to remove the structural incentives for terror. I fear that our leaders may not respond prudently. I anticipate political reaction that may add fuel to fire.

The door for refugees escaping war, famine and terror, specially in the Middle East will most surely be shut by European leaders worried about the spread of ISIS.

Those who were reluctant to join the emerging fascist tendencies in Europe and the US, will be one more step closer to supporting them. Every act of terror is nutrition to fascism. Today, Donald Trump has surely won many new voters to his case.

Islamophobia already raging like a fire will gain more strength and more venom. All Muslims, everywhere, regardless of their politics will feel the heat.

May God protect us all.

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