February 28, 2020

Food for thought in a blog by Jim Kalergis called “Who Loses When Scientology Wins?” originally published on the website of Scientologists Taking Action Against Discrimination (STAND). Last week I had an unusual phone conversation with a client I’m doing some screenplay rewrite work for. He was somewhere between amazed and aghast to learn I was a Scientologist! When I asked him why the surprise, he said it was because I was smart and not weird… at least as far as... Read more

February 27, 2020

The first Ideal Org devoted to Ventura and Santa Barbara Counties opened before an exuberant audience of some 4,000 Scientologists and federal, state and local dignitaries. Mr. David Miscavige, ecclesiastical leader of the Scientology religion, led the dedication ceremony in Ventura, California, for a new Scientology Church to serve the hundreds of thousands who call these shores home.   For the 100,000 daily commuters motoring on the 101, the glass-encased new Church of Scientology Ventura gleams as an unmistakable beacon of... Read more

February 20, 2020

Wil Seabrook’s blog, published originally on the STAND website (Scientologists Taking Action Against Discrimination), on the tabloid headlines he sees about Scientology at the checkout stand.  Buying groceries should be, at the very least, a conflict-free experience. But I was in the checkout line of a grocery store recently and saw a tabloid headline screaming something about my church that was entirely untrue. The magazine had several other cover stories about celebrities and politicians, all of which looked about as... Read more

February 17, 2020

My religion has a lot that gets said about it in the media. But one of the most laughable and irksome myths about Scientology is this bizarre idea that it’s secretive. A blog by “Scientology Parent”—Tad Reeves from the STAND website (Scientologists Taking Action Against Discrimination). Because I run a website about Scientology family life, and because I’m extremely open about being a Scientologist, I end up fielding questions on a regular basis from students doing research papers on Scientology. Some of them, I’ve found,... Read more

February 12, 2020

A blog by Bernard Percy, originally posted on the website of  STAND (Scientologists Taking Action Against Discrimination) on how and why he became a Scientologist. In 1968 I was leading the life I imagined. I was really doing “well” in life. I had a job I greatly enjoyed and was very successful at: being an elementary school teacher, helping my students become more able and happier. I was dating a beautiful actress, driving the car I wanted, living in the ideal neighborhood... Read more

February 6, 2020

Scientology Parent’s blog on his recent trip, with the entire family, to Florida for Scientology Services. Our whole family recently spent a month at Flag, the Scientology religious retreat in Clearwater, Florida, and as it was the most rejuvenating experience I’ve ever had for my marriage, my family, and for me personally, I figured I’d share a bit about the experience. Contents 1 What is Flag? 2 Why we planned a trip to Flag for our Family 3 What We Did 4 Doing Services Together at... Read more

February 2, 2020

The Scientology ad that aired during Super Bowl LIV is available on Scientology.tv and the YouTube Scientology Channel. It is time to rediscover the human soul. Curious about Scientology? Come in and find out for yourself. The best way to find out more is to visit a Church of Scientology. Scientology is workable. It offers practical tools—real solutions you won’t find anywhere else. All are welcome. Read more

January 29, 2020

Prevention is the key to ending the opioid crisis says Steered Straight CEO Michael DeLeon. After his seminar at Miami Coral Park High School on January 28, Steered Straight Founder and CEO Michael DeLeon described the kids there as “absolutely incredible young adults” saying they “truly inspired me today. This generation is the most beautiful and most important generation we’ve ever had. Their voice is most vital to our future.” DeLeon knows his drug prevention message is a matter of... Read more

January 27, 2020

A blog by Wil Seabrook, originally posted on the website of  STAND (Scientologists Taking Action Against Discrimination) One statement I see made in the media that I find especially frustrating is that Scientologists don’t “believe” in mental illness. It’s such a misinformed generality that it’s hard to know where to start. The implication is that a Scientologist, when confronted with someone hearing voices, seeing things that aren’t there, or exhibiting other extreme behavior, would simply refuse to admit there was anything... Read more

January 23, 2020

Reprinted courtesy of STAND (Scientologists Taking Action Against Discrimination, author May Livingston In our family, we have a tradition, like many other households we know, of setting goals for the new year. We save them for the next year, to compare back and check off as we reach our milestones. We have a very high success rate, too! Granted, sometimes the bar isn’t set very high, like the year my son said that his primary objective for the next 12 months was... Read more

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