Five Things I’m Thankful for this Year… Including Dog Farts

Five Things I’m Thankful for this Year… Including Dog Farts November 25, 2014

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Thanksgiving is almost upon us and that has made me take inventory of all the things I’m thankful for in my life. Humbly I’ll admit that there are way too many things to list but I thought I’d share a few of the more notable things I’m especially thankful for this year. 

1) I’m thankful for my beautiful wife and the blessing she has been in my life. Somehow I managed to snag a hottie who’s freakin’ hilarious and who also happens to have a heart made of gold. She’s what you call a triple threat, and for that, I am so very thankful.

2) I’m thankful for dog farts. Yes, dog farts. They’re disgusting, incredibly smelly, and sometimes make me dry heave, but I know one day when my dogs aren’t around anymore, I’ll miss them. It’s amazing how much joy my two dogs have given me over the past eight years. Rich or poor, good times or bad, they just want to love me, sleep, eat, and fart. And for that, I’m thankful. 

3) I’m thankful for free stuff. As Catherine will tell you, I’m a little on the frugal side. Although she would probably use the term “cheap ass”. I like to think I’m fiscally responsible. Anyway, one of the best perks of being a “celebrity” or at least “that couple that some people still remember from The Bachelor” is free stuff. Now I don’t get too much stuff but just about everyday, Catherine gets packages delivered to the house full of free clothes. Free clothes means Catherine doesn’t have to use our credit card to go shopping which makes me and our bank account happy. And for that, I’m thankful.

4) I’m thankful for Apple TV. Yes this seems incredibly shallow and materialistic, but I am thankful for that little black box. Nothing makes me happier than cuddling up on the couch every night and watching a movie with my wife by my side and our dogs at our feet. It’s my happy place. And for that, I’m thankful. 

5) I’m thankful for coffee. Most mornings, I wake up before Catherine, stumble into the kitchen, feed the dogs, and then make my first cup of coffee. After my coffee is poured, I walk into the dining room and spend about 30 minutes or so studying the Bible and trying my best to listen to what God is telling me. I love the peacefulness of the quiet morning and the assurance of love I get from reading God’s love letter to me. The coffee is just an added bonus. And for that, I’m thankful.

Okay, your turn.  In the comments section, tell me a few things you’re thankful for this year?  

Three…  Two… One… GO!

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