How to Know When You’ve Finally Arrived

How to Know When You’ve Finally Arrived May 26, 2015

ImageHere is an excerpt teaser from my e-book, At Work as it is in Heaven. You can read it in its entirety over at The High Calling. Or better yet, why not just buy it now ?

I once heard a story about Henry Kissinger falling asleep in the middle of a very important meeting. Everyone noticed, but no one dared say anything because he was such a highly respected diplomat.

The moment he came to, upon picking up the few fragments of sentences that were being discussed in mid-conversation, he immediately interrupted the group with some blinding insight.

I try not to fall asleep in meetings, whether I am making the presentation, or receiving one. Because, unlike Henry Kissinger, I am very concerned about what people think of me, and want to make sure I come across as sharp and capable and prepared and on the ball. I guess I haven’t achieved enough yet in my career that would allow me such unguarded self-possession.

But that story sure puts things in perspective. Here is a man so self-assured as to doze off in the middle of some high-powered meeting. “What’s the difference?” he’s thinking. “I am smarter than these people, and I know what the end result is going to look like anyway. My time is better spent in a snooze.”

Such admirable bravado!

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Image by Dave C. Used with permission. Sourced via Flickr.

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