August 13, 2010

So, it’s true that we shouldn’t jump to conclusions.  God alone knows what is in the heart, and the rest of us should be kind and careful when dealing with On the other hand, I believe that God takes self-control off the list of symptoms pregnant women have to endure.  An angry pregnant woman can do God’s work like no one else can:  that is, in a way guaranteed to terrify. There was the day that I dragged the four-year-old,... Read more

August 13, 2010

Don’t worry, it’s not another scholarly fisk of the cultural significance of Billy Jean.  I’m talking about the county fair!  The fair!  Who doesn’t love the fair? If you’re taking your kids to the fair for the first time, you are going to hate it. – It will be, second only to the birth itself, the most miserable, sticky, disappointing, and ludicrously expensive day of your life as parents.  You will go home wondering why you just paid hundreds of... Read more

August 12, 2010

Hi, I’m The Jerk. You may remember me from such blog posts as; “Surefire Ways to Kill Your Readership,” or “You Can’t Write That, Hallie Lord Might Be Reading!” Simcha gave me the week off, hoping I would drink myself into a stupor during that time and forget the blog password. Heh, that’s why God made tattoo parlors, friends. Now I’m back, relatively sober, and ready for whatever controversies ensue. A word about that: Enough with the death threats, Hallie.... Read more

August 11, 2010

Does your library give out copious prizes just for checking out books in the summer?  Ours does:  ice cream and pizza coupons, tickets to sports events, T-shirts and toys, games, stickers, etc. But the prize that thrilled my kids the most was something new this year:  ten dollars!  Their enthusiasm was only slightly dampened when we explained that no one was actually going to hand them a ten-dollar bill–they’d have to open an account at a local bank, which would... Read more

August 10, 2010

Today’s guest post is written by a fine woman who more or less strong-armed me into being her friend.  Like so many fabled relationships, it all began online.  And, if a restraining order means anything at all anymore, it’ll stay there. However,  I want it known that this post was published entirely of my own free will, and has nothing to do with blackmail, coercion, or any kind of weird, contagious, free-floating Italian guilt (is that a thing?).  We both... Read more

August 9, 2010

Sorry for the late start this morning, folks.  We are in the throes of August Fun Panic, and are rushing to create sufficient evidence that we had a nice summer — so I am a leetle bit behind on everything (by which I mean the kids are eating raw oatmeal out of sandwich bags for breakfast). While I get caught up, here is something I heard on Car Talk yesterday on the car radio.  I laughed so hard, someone in... Read more

August 7, 2010

Today I’m over at The Inside Blog, talking about a new take on modesty.  The blogging wife of a protestant minister at Musings of a Young Mom (don’t worry, her writing is much better than the title of her blog) argues that excessive modesty objectifies women (which reminds of me of gluttonous thin people). And we’re off to the fair!  That’s not an expression – we really are off to the fair, and expect to be half-dead by early afternoon.... Read more

August 6, 2010

It’s so linky around here today, I can hardly stand it!   I’m doing Seven Quick Takes with Jen from Conversion Diary, and responding to a rare tagging from The Anchoress. She lists her five favorite Catholic devotions, and she wants to know what mine (and yours) are. Now, I’m in kind of a spot here. On one hand, the last six months or so have seen me practicing Catholic devotions in the same way as my three-year-old has been practicing... Read more

August 5, 2010

No one asked for it, but today I’m reprinting something from my old blog.  It has special meaning for me, because it marks the day that an entire branch of my extended family stopped speaking to me. —————————————————- In the “I’m Too Late For a Dentist Appointment To Key Your Car Right Now, But I’ll Get You Later” department, we have this bumper sticker: which has been cropping up all over our area. I live near a college town, which... Read more

August 4, 2010

Come on over and see me at Faith and Family today (for real this time!), where I have a short interview with a young, gay, faithful Catholic man.  You’ll like him — he’s so clean and articulate!  But something tells me Joe Biden would not be impressed. And hello and welcome to Faith and Family and Creative Minority Report readers.  Stick around for tomorrow, when we will  . . . okay, I have no idea what we will be doing... Read more

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