Jenny Calendar, Lester Freamon and pastors in the news

Jenny Calendar, Lester Freamon and pastors in the news August 30, 2012

Via Whedonesque, I learn that Jenny Calendar is now an evangelical Christian minister.

Robia LaMorte’s theology seems to be quite different from mine, but I can’t help but love a website with tabs for “Buffy,” “Prince” and “God.” So while I don’t think it’s helpful (or biblical) to refer to the Bible as “Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth,” I’ll try to avoid picking a fight with someone whose résumé reads: Prince, Joss, Jesus.

Sadly, when you see the word “pastor” in the news, the story isn’t usually a happy one. (A Google News search on the phrase “youth pastor” tends to be mostly horrifying.) So it’s nice to see a pastor making the news in an unambiguously positive way. James Grantz saved the day on the PA Turnpike — because he’s not just a minister, he also has his commercial driver’s license. Well done, sir.

And speaking of heroic pastors: Clarke Peters takes the pulpit in Spike Lee’s Red Hook Summer, his new film co-written with James McBride and centered on a Brooklyn church.

Lee also shows he’s familiar with a mainstay of every evangelical childhood — the John 11:35 Maneuver:

Lee and his siblings competed to recite the short Bible verse when asked for one during childhood visits to their Southern grandparents.

“Me and my brothers would fight for that one,” he said. “Jesus wept — two words. Can’t go wrong with that, right?”

Here’s the trailer:

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