‘We send back music’

‘We send back music’ December 31, 2012

Commitment to building a more loving world can unite us if we’re willing to let it.”

“It’s harder to shake hands, and to listen, and take that risk of being sucked in, that responsibility, when all you want is something safely anonymous that assuages your guilt so you can go do the weekend chores, unencumbered.”

“Whoever cannot be alone should beware of community. Whoever cannot stand being in community should beware of being alone.”

“It seems very strange to me, looking back at my now 20-some odd years of experience in the evangelical church that for the large majority of it, I heard about social-justice related issues only around holidays (think rice bowls and red kettles) and at Christian concerts presented in conjunction with some sponsor-a-child organization.”

“What the world needs is people who have come alive.”

“I’ve found the Bible doesn’t work very well as a cookbook.”

“A decade would pass before it was embraced by another artist, and its true introduction began.”

“Thanks to Jack Klugman, the Waxman-Hatch Orphan Drug Act became law in 1983. In an ending Hollywood might have scripted, it has been a remarkable success. The FDA has approved more than 300 orphan drugs, with 1,100 more under development.”

“I guess ‘Columbia earth scientists posit large Black Sea flood 7,600 years ago, which may or may not be the inspiration for the Sumerian epic of Utnapishtim, and we’ll never know for sure,’ just doesn’t make for good headlines.”

“In its race-ethnicity series ‘In America,’ CNN has examined Blacks (exhaustively), Latinos and Asians. I believe, and I am not alone, that an as extensive series examining Whites in America(the United States specifically) should be brought to the public.”

“He thinks he’s being inclusive, yet almost certainly is clueless that ‘the blacks, the Jews, and the Hispanics’ would be offended by his idea of inclusion.”

“The Pope thinks he’s arguing against homosexuality, when in fact he’s explaining why ex-gay therapy is a moral shame.”

“Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.”

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