Holding the hand that had fired a gun at his heart

Holding the hand that had fired a gun at his heart December 12, 2014

• It’s that time of year when we recapture the holiday spirit by aggressively reminding our Jewish or (heaven forfend) atheist neighbors that we Christians are in the majority, and we’re going to celebrate our religion right in their faces. After all, it’s not our fault that they’ve refused to convert, and if they don’t like it, they can just leave.

In that spirit, CBN and The 700 Club are proud to offer lots of helpful resources to help Christians celebrate Christmas at their hellbound neighbors. Because nothing says Christmas like bullying the Jews.

• Throw a tantrum on behalf of others who are less fortunate, leveraging all of your prestige and privilege on their behalf, and that makes you a hero. Throw a tantrum on behalf of yourself, leveraging all of your prestige and privilege on your own behalf to bully others into submission, and that makes you a dick.

That’s the important distinction this Harvard business professor failed to understand when he was overcharged $4 by a local eatery. Consumer Advocate is a Good Thing, but if this guy was shooting for Consumer Advocate, he missed.

• “If, therefore, the whole church comes together and all speak in tongues, and outsiders or unbelievers enter, will they not say that you are out of your mind?” (1 Corinthians 14:23)

“The Throne of the Third Heaven of the Nations’ Millennium General Assembly,” by James Hampton.

• “Good, good, just need to dot those ‘T’s. Have you ever been gay?” Scott Eric Kaufman gets vetted by Kirk Cameron’s handler in an attempt to land an interview with the former Growing Pains star. Hilarity ensues.

• The Institute on the Constitution is a right-wing group affiliated with the white supremacist League of the South. White supremacists have long attempted to use “Christian” as an interchangeable synonym for “white person” — a dynamic that makes the bogus “religious liberty” arguments of persecuted hegemons like Todd Starnes and the UCCB not just blatantly dishonest, but also kinda sorta racist.

That attempt to turn “Christian” into a substitute for “white person” can be seen in the latest absurdity from the Institute on the Constitution’s Jake McAulay, who recently wrote that the only way to defend the Constitution would be to get rid of the part of it that says “no religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under the United States.”

McCaulay wants a religious test. He wants public office reserved for people of one particular religion — by which he really means he wants public office reserved for people of one particular color.

• Flipping the script is always enlightening, and it’s sometimes mordantly ironic to highlight the customary racist assumptions by talking about “white-on-white crime.” But the horrifying reality of actual white criminality isn’t funny at all. Yet these kids somehow will never become the mental image our media or our police carry of monstrous “thuggery.” They will never be profiled for the ridiculous theater of “stop and frisk” or its corollary, shoot-then-don’t-indict.

• This is appalling (via), yet I couldn’t look away

I kept trying to figure out if this sermon was preached in the 1980s, or if it was just preached in a church that’s still oddly stuck in the 1980s. Impossible to tell for sure.

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