It takes a while for someone to really disappear

It takes a while for someone to really disappear August 24, 2015

• “Armed ‘Patriot’ Guarding ‘Muslim-Free’ Gun Store Accidentally Shoots Himself.” The name of the store is the “Save Yourself Survival and Tactical Gear Store.” I lack the imagination to invent a funnier or more apt name for it.

• “Call me sheltered, but I don’t waste my time watching junk on television when I could be making intercession, reading the Word, worshipping God, preaching the gospel, healing the sick or casting out devils.” Jennifer LeClaire did not care for John Oliver’s segment on “prosperity gospel” televangelist hucksters.

I'm not sure that Ted Cruz's new campaign slogan is a winner.
Ted Cruz’s new campaign slogan doesn’t seem like a winner.

• A few years ago, Older Daughter started dating a guy who, she said, was a big fan of Batman. I asked if he liked Batman for the right reasons or the wrong reasons and we had a good discussion of what that might mean.

A couple weeks later she said she broke up with the guy. “What happened?” “Turns out he likes Batman for the wrong reasons.” This has become a useful shorthand phrase in our household.

I think Donald Trump likes Batman for the wrong reasons.

Related: I’m not sure it’s possible to like Rorschach for any right reasons.

• Me: It often seems that the “pro-life” movement is far more driven by the presumption that women are untrustworthy and morally incompetent than by any notion of “protecting the unborn.” What do you think?

Christianity Today: John Piper is leading protests against Planned Parenthood!

OK, then. Let’s call that Exhibit F.

• Miranda Blue on “The Planned Parenthood Smear and the Right’s ‘Abortion Industry’ Lie.”

Earlier: Tim LaHaye, Jerry Jenkins, Rayford Steele and Hattie Durham on the very same topic.

• Ruth Krall on “How to smell a rape-prone campus” (via Bill Lindsey). See earlier: Samantha Field on “Pensacola Christian College and Sexual Violence.”

• Miss Piggy and Captain Tightpants: These Nathan Fillion promos for the new Muppet Showpart 1, part 2, part 3 — are a pretty good gag, setting up the tone and subplot for the new version. But to really work, the show needs some outside help to take this joke to the next level. Kudos in advance to whichever supermarket tabloid pretends to run with this as “real” celebrity gossip.

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