Sunday favorites

Sunday favorites May 8, 2016

Nahum 1:7*

The Lord is good,
a stronghold on a day of trouble;
he protects those who take refuge in him.

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* For Mother’s Day, this was my mother’s favorite Bible verse.

The folks who sliced up the Hebrew scriptures into chapters and verses did an odd job with this one, putting the final clause of this sentence into verse 8: “he protects those who take refuge in him, even in a rushing flood.”

This one verse/sentence is also a bit of a counter-theme to the rest of this passage, which is mainly about God’s wrath and vengeance against those who set themselves up as God’s adversaries. In the middle of all that wrath and vengeance, quaking mountains and melting hills, there’s this one little sentence about God’s goodness and mercy. Mom plucked out that one sentence and embraced it as her favorite, which maybe gives you an idea what she was like.

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