[in Just-] spring fundraising

[in Just-] spring fundraising May 19, 2017

it’s Just- spring, when the world is mud-lucious and puddle-wonderful and the goat-footed balloonMan is whistling


(I can’t get WordPress to cooperate with cummings’ typesetting.)

Spring is also when those who work at Big Box garden centers and home improvement stores grab all the overtime they can, so I’m a bit busy and stretched thin just now, spending six nights a week keeping Chester County supplied with mulch and grass seed and various maybe-semi-effective deer repellants.

And Just- spring is also the time of year when I pass the plate here for a free will offering (or, for those who don’t speak evangelicalese, when I ask for money).

Before doing that — or, OK, actually while doing that — let me again say a huge and heartfelt thank you to everyone who contributed so generously last year when the Slacktivixen was cast into a cast, and thus was out of work for six weeks. You’re why we got through that. I thank you. My wife thanks you. The bursar’s office at Temple University thanks you (well, they should, but they’re not big on saying thank you). Happily, all of our tendons are back in working order, and my wife’s wrist is 100 percent.

If you are able and inclined to do so, you can help support my writing here at this site and elsewhere by clicking on that friendly “Donate” button in the right-hand column.

I also have a Patreon account and hope, once mulch-season winds down in June, to figure out some perks and premiums for the amazing folks supporting my work through that channel. (I have some e-book-ish things in the works and want to figure out a way to provide those for free to patrons.)

Thank you in advance to everyone who is willing and able to donate. Thank you, also, to everyone who is willing but unable (sincerely — I’ve been there). And I’d say something to those unwilling and unable, but it’s unlikely they’re still reading at this point.

The plan is to make this a week-long effort, so I may awkwardly bring this up again a few times between now and next Friday. I’ll try to make that less annoying and less intrusive than pledge week at NPR.

Anyway, today’s classic Left Behind installment will be along shortly.

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