Descartes on Doubt

Descartes on Doubt November 8, 2014

Descartes, one of the most celebrated mathematicians and philosophers of all time. A believer (Catholic), on the necessity of doubt (also the opening quote of my book Proof of Divine):

“That in order to seek truth, it is necessary once in the course of our life, to doubt, as far as possible, of all things. As we were at one time children, and as we formed various judgments regarding the objects presented to our senses, when as yet we had not the entire use of our reason, numerous prejudices stand in the way of our arriving at the knowledge of truth; and of these it seems impossible for us to rid ourselves, unless we undertake, once in our lifetime, to doubt of all those things in which we may discover even the smallest suspicion of uncertainty.” (Rene Descartes, Principles of Philosophy)


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