December 29, 2016

The most important sources for our understanding of Gnosticism are the famed Nag Hammadi texts, thirteen leather-bound papyrus codices containing over 50 texts, that were found buried in a sealed jar by a peasant in upper Egypt in 1945. The accidental discovery of these lost Gnostic Gospels happens to be the very year (by some accounts) that the finishing touches were put on the Urantia Papers, which purport to contain the definitive modern restatement of the gospel of Jesus. Curiously,... Read more

December 27, 2016

There is no way around it. Beyond all dualities lies an indivisible oneness. All the world’s religions speak of this oneness. The underlying truth that the sacred traditions of the world share, despite apparent contradictions and oppositions, is that there is harmony and unity at the source of all life. Rumi, getting right to the heart of the matter, puts it this way: I know nothing of two worlds, All I know is the One. I seek only One, I... Read more

December 5, 2016

Here’s the third and final installment of our conversation with Jane Galloway, author of The Gateways: The Wisdom of 12-Step Spirituality. In this segment, Jane calls the 12 Steps a template for living by which we can begin a lifelong process of inner growth that equips and guides our action in the world. For those whose early life didn’t offer much of a template to follow, these steps are a godsend. The benefits reach far beyond sobriety, says Jane, “Only Step One mentions... Read more

December 2, 2016

A few weeks ago, I saw my therapist–whom I hadn’t seen in months–and told her about my upcoming journey to Standing Rock. She kind of tilted her head and said, “There’s that woman again, Chelsea. I feel her right here.” I blinked at her for a few seconds before I remembered that I had told her about a powerful vision I had years ago during a shamanic journey. The experience flashed back in my mind and body as if it... Read more

November 29, 2016

If you enjoyed Part 1 of this audio series on 12-Step Spirituality, you’ll love the next installation.   In this week’s interview, you’ll hear author Jane Galloway quote the founder of AA, Bill Wilson, from the “Big Book” (which is sort of the Bible of Alcoholics Anonymous): “To us the Realm of Spirit is broad, roomy, all inclusive; never exclusive or forbidding to those who honestly seek.” I can’t think of anybody whose life has not been impacted by addiction in... Read more

November 23, 2016

Like my boyfriend’s mom said the other day, I want to put my hands and feet where my heart is. My heart breaks at the continuous rape of Mother Earth. I seethe at the mistreatment of all of Her creatures. I fear for the health and wellbeing of all animals and plants as we continue to pollute our water and air and soil. I’m going to Standing Rock to take a stand for our Mother and her children. I am... Read more

November 21, 2016

If you want to meet some of the most spiritually adept, humble, honest, wise people on the planet, make your way to an open 12-Step meeting. You’ll be amazed by the camaraderie you’ll witness among people at every stage of recovery from addiction. And they’ll make you feel welcome too. This closing was read at the end of a meeting I recently visited: “A few special words to those of you who haven’t been with us long: Whatever your problems, there... Read more

November 18, 2016

Last fall, the Oprah Winfrey Network hosted the first SuperSoul Sessions live event at UCLA.  The daylong event featured ten speakers who shared insights meant to inspire positive and spiritual change. During the break, as I headed backstage for the press interviews, I thought ‘What else is there? ‘What more could possibly be said that has not been covered during these spiritual conversations?’ Just as we took our seats, the door opened and in walked Iyanla Vanzant along with the... Read more

November 12, 2016

The following message was delivered through Belinda Womach from the 12 Archangels of the Central Sun: In your world of appearances, current events may seem confusing and unsettling. We remind you that your Earth is a school. While attending this school, you are allowed to fully experience the illusion of fear and the convincing lie that you (and everyone else) is separated from your Creator and from one another. Yes, you may have different beliefs either playing like a radio... Read more

November 10, 2016

Beyond all the partisan labels that separate us, there is a hidden wholeness, a deeper oneness that unites us all. But where is this consciousness when we need it most? Six days prior to the election, the esteemed philosopher Cornel West wrote in the Boston Globe of the relative collapse of integrity, honesty, and decency – “an undeniable spiritual blackout of grand proportions” – in present-day America. He said the sad spectacle of the presidential election – on both sides... Read more

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