Media manipulation: Why did it take NBC so long to release the 2005 Trump tape?

Media manipulation: Why did it take NBC so long to release the 2005 Trump tape? October 19, 2016

Timing is everything in an election and that is true with media coverage. That’s why executives at NBC decided to wait until just the right moment — 11 years to be exact — to release audio of Donald Trump making sexually explicit remarks about women.

Hoping for maximum impact, NBC executives released the audio two days before Trump and Clinton faced off in the second debate earlier this month. However, they’ve known about the tape for far longer. The Washington Free Beacon reports:

NBC sources told TMZ that executives knew about the bombshell 2005 tape long before they say they did, but they elected to hold off leaking it because they did not want it to come too early in the race…

According to TMZ, some at NBC feared that Hurricane Matthew coverage would crowd out reaction to the tape and wanted to hold it until the day after the debate, but others did not like waiting, so it was leaked to the Washington Post.

And their plan worked because that was the topic of discussion for the first part of the debate and overshadowed just about every other news story that week. It was a more powerful storm than the hurricane.

Trump’s uncensored comments further alienated him from top leadership in the Republican Party, including Sen. John McCain and Speaker Paul Ryan. The country is widely divided over his comments, as well.

But there was also fallout for the other person involved in the discussion with Trump, television personality Billy Bush. The two believed they were having a private conversation on an Access Hollywood bus back in 2005 but a hot mic picked up every offensive thing they said. Bush abragged about the tape’s existence back in August during the summer Olympics coverage. Yet, NBC said they only had knowledge of it for a week prior to the planned leak.

Unfortunately for Bush, his bosses plans to edit out his comments were thrown out and he has now been fired from all of his duties at NBC while Trump carries on.

This is even more evidence that the liberal media is all-in for Hillary Clinton and will do whatever it takes to ensure she’s elected president of the United States, even if that means throwing one of their own under the bus. While reporting what a presidential candidate has said is important, it’s troubling to see the media play marionette with the election and decide when the public gets to hear it. This was an 11-year-old scandal that was sat on until politically expediant.

Meanwhile, Clinton’s corruption is being exposed on a daily basis through Wikileaks and the media actively ignores. Shame on them.

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