Rachel Dolezal says the only job offers she gets is for porn

Rachel Dolezal says the only job offers she gets is for porn February 27, 2017

Remember Rachel Dolezal?

She was the white woman pretending to be black so she could be the head of the Spokane NAACP.  Her deception was discovered when a news channel asked her — with the cameras rolling – “Are you African American?”  She isn’t, but she didn’t come clean.  Finally, she admitted that she was white, when photos of her with blonde hair and lily white skin emerged all over the internet.  Oops!

She said:

“I feel that I was born with the essential essence of who I am, whether it matches my anatomy and complexion or not,” Dolezal said. “I’ve never questioned being a girl or a woman, for example, but whiteness has always felt foreign to me, for as long as I can remember. I didn’t choose to feel this way or be this way, I just am.

Wait, she didn’t choose to be white?  True.  She didn’t choose to be black?  Also true.  Because she’s not black.

Anyway, things haven’t been good for Dolezal since she was outed in June of 2015.

A defiant Dolezal, 39, recounted her current plight to The Guardian. Dolezal said she’s only been offered jobs in reality television and porno flicks. A friend helped her come up with the money for February’s rent and she doesn’t know how she’s going to pay for March.

And she still says she’s not white.

“I do think a more complex label would be helpful, but we don’t really have that vocabulary,” Dolezal told The Guardian. “I feel like the idea of being trans-black would be much more accurate than ‘I’m white.’ Because, you know, I’m not white . . . Calling myself black feels more accurate than saying I’m white.”

Wow.  In 2017, is Dolezal saying that it’s easier to find employment as a black woman than a white one?  No wonder the NAACP fired her.

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