A Thank-You From the Friendship Room

A Thank-You From the Friendship Room October 5, 2017


We did it!

We made a library!

Molly wrote to me today with this photo of her free library for all the guests at the Friendship Room, now nicely stocked.

My regular readers will recall that last month, I found the Friendship Room’s tiny free library was nearly empty and only had stuffy proselytizing books they had been donated– the Friendship Room doesn’t proselytize, but they can only give away what they’ve been given. I asked my readers in their charity to please mail or bring them all kinds of books to stock a fun, informative, well-rounded library; Molly said the guests especially liked Bibles and classics.

And you guys came through! The library is nice and full! I imagine they’ll have to re-stock it from time to time, considering that it’s on the honor system and homeless guests might not be able to return a book or keep it safe as often as they’d like. But right now, the suffering people in downtown Steubenville have it a little easier thanks to you.

If anyone would like to send further donations to The Friendship Room, you can send them to:

Center of Hope/Friendship Room
PO Box 53, Steubenville, Oh, 43952

You can just send a check to that address, or you can even ship them supplies through Amazon Grocery.  If you do use Amazon to send them anything, bear in mind that you can go to smile.amazon.com, select “Center of Hope Friendship Room” as your charity, then shop as you normally would, and they will receive a small donation from that purchase at no cost to you. They always need Dawn dish detergent, laundry soap, coffee, powdered creamer, coffee stir sticks and plastic utensils. You can find out their daily immediate needs by following them on facebook.  Don’t send random bulky items like old children’s clothes, because they don’t have a lot of storage space.

Thank you again for comforting Christ in the disguise of your poor and homeless neighbors.

(image courtesy of Molly McGovern, used with permission) 

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