Sometimes Baseball Is Just Too Hard, Even For the Pros

Sometimes Baseball Is Just Too Hard, Even For the Pros June 30, 2015

Hey, I can TOTALLY do that, you guys! Where’s my contract, Tampa Bay?

There’s something wonderfully encouraging about watching professional baseball players do incompetent things; things that make them look …well…as incompetent as I look pretty much every time I play. “Oh, yeah? You think I’m bad? Well, you should see Ronald Belisario!”

In fairness to Mr. Belisario, throwing an intentional ball is always harder to execute than one might expect. You spend a lifetime training yourself to throw strikes, and all of a sudden you’re being asked not just to miss, but to miss badly, and on purpose. It’s a weird thing, really, so I’m never too surprised when someone gets their wires crossed like this.

The best think about yesterday’s highlight (lowlight?) is not that it makes me feel like a pro, though. It’s that it reminds me of this, which I consider one of the finest baseball things ever captured by a TV camera.

Attribution(s): Ryan Flaherty via photopin (license)

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