Weathering Some Typical Wyoming Weather, Thanks to The Master Singers

Weathering Some Typical Wyoming Weather, Thanks to The Master Singers June 3, 2015

“If you don’t like the weather we’re having right now,” we Wyomingites say, “wait five minutes. It’ll change.”

As someone who’s a) hoping to play baseball tonight, and b) watching scattered raindrops fall outside my office windows at this very moment, I’m hoping this ol’ saw is as accurate today as ever.

I’m also listening to this, because it’s appropriate. And hilarious. And perfect. (Yes, I’m a sucker for musical comedy, so I was predisposed. But still…)

Also, in one of the more powerful “Restoring My Faith in Human Nature” moments in recent memory, I find that it actually rose to #50 on the UK pop charts. Fantastic.

…oh, and since it’s taken me longer than 5 minutes to put this post together, the weather’s now perfect for baseball. We’re still more than five minutes away from first pitch, though, so keep your fingers crossed.

In brief, the weather will be normal for the time of year.

Attribution(s): “Weather Map” from See you on the other side, Ray… via photopin (license).

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