The End is Near!

The End is Near! April 18, 2005

When Canadian Geese fall out of trees and onto windshields, we MUST be in end times!

I’ve never seen anything like that in my life.

I’m driving home from picking up Buster’s latest prescription – and I see this giant Canadian goose…at least 25 lbs or more, fall through a tree, shattering the windshield of a passing car!

I pull over to the side, to see if the driver is alright, and all I’m thinking is:


They don’t do they?

I couldn’t believe it! The goose was tumbling through the branches reminding me of Elmer Fudd when he suddenly finds that he’s walked off a cliff and is standing on thin air. The arms – or wings – and legs were flailing, and the bird just dropped and dropped and then, BOOM!

Thankfully, the gent driving the car was unhurt, but he and his wife were certainly shaken up. And the poor goose was simply laying there, broken, bleeding and breathing heavily.

We were soon joined by other drivers, and the local barber and his customer, who had seen the whole thing (the customer, a big, giant Tony Sopranoesque sort of guy, face half shaved, was in charge…”you awright? Everyone awright? Awright, den, let’s cawl 911!”), so I felt ok about leaving the scene to get my sick kid home.

And as we drove away, all Buster kept saying was…Canadian Geese don’t SIT in trees, DO THEY?

My question too.

Does anyone out there know?

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