I’s only good when I’s bad. Or mad.

I’s only good when I’s bad. Or mad. January 6, 2006

Got two interesting emails today. No, three.

First one was from someone who said he/she didn’t much like me and found me “unscrutable.”

Ironically, I’m not sure what the writer means. Please advise whether you mean I am “inscrutable” or “unscrupulous.”

Second one told me to be alert because if Sharon recovered from his stroke, it would be like the Beast in Revelation, “who also recovered from a head wound,” and thus we would know that Sharon was the Beast.

Hmmm…Joseph Heller once wrote, in Catch-22, about a woman who couldn’t count to 28 without getting pregnant. I think there must be some people in the world who can’t look at a public figure without seeing a Beast. (Shrug) maybe that’s a good way to be, after all.

Third one linked to this old post and told me I haven’t written anything good since then.

I dunno. Re-reading the thing, I note that I professed to being in a bad mood when I wrote it. So, perhaps I just haven’t been teed off enough, lately! :-)

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