Scanning the ‘sphere, really quick roundup

Scanning the ‘sphere, really quick roundup October 1, 2007

I’m so far behind on paying work and email, so let’s just fly though some interesting/urgent stories, shall we?

Counterpunch, a magazine of the left,
is very uncomfortable with Hillary Clinton’s fundraising improprieties involving Norman Hsu, (among others) and this is refreshing. Says writer Al Giordana:

Although very potentially harmful to Clinton’s ambitions, the increasing scrutiny on those that provide and raise the millions required to win election to national office is long overdue and should be cleansing for democracy.
Scratch the surface of the Hsu scandal, and find a confirmation of the unacceptable risks for the Democrats if the 2008 general election becomes a referendum on the Clinton White House of the 1990s. It offers a looking glass into the inevitable disillusionment and scandal that would follow a Clinton nomination. And even if candidate Clinton were able to best a similarly flawed Republican nominee, her executive branch would end up besieged, unable to comply on campaign promises, because it will be placed on the permanent defensive by its own serial ethical lapses.

Intellectual honesty is always refreshing whether it’s from the partisan right or the partisan left. I urge you to read it all. Perhaps Obama had a point when he said Hillary’s experience is the wrong kind of experience. And also relevant to the Hsu story, Winkle Paw is not so easy to find. That’s interesting.

This though, I think is unlikely. I just don’t see the DOJ ever taking on Hillary Clinton.

Speaking of intellectual honesty, read Stanley Kurtz’ take on the premier of Indoctrinate U. I have got to see this!

How long do you think it will take the useless and feckless UN to do anything about this slaughter in Burma?

This Al Qaeda chief says things are getting desperate for them. But it’s all a big failure, you know. More good news here and here. And here. And HERE. Flopping Aces wonders if this news is just being ignored?

Why twice in seven years? The Vatican is hosting a scientific conference for astronomers:

“This is our way of seeing how God created the universe and they want to make as strong a statement as possible that truth doesn’t contradict truth; that if you have faith, then you’re never going to be afraid of what science is going to come up with. Because it’s true.”

“Man-made” Global warming
is still hoo-hah and Al Gore still won’t debate anyone on it. As usual, you’re supposed to just believe him, dammit.

Jeanette reminds us why Laura Bush is a class act.

Btw, Bill Clinton says that in 1992 “we didn’t have the terror threat”. Nope. No terrorism coming from Middle Eastern Quarters before…well, there was no terrorism in the world at all until January 21, 2001, right? Terrorism never really was on Bill Clinton’s radar. James Taranto has more to say about that.

And some, I guess wish it would go back to being that way.

Ever heard of perfect posts? Me neither til today. Some good reading.

A second miracle re Mother Teresa? Check it out.

Welcome Michelle Malkin readers and thanks for the link. While you’re here please look around. Today we’re also talking about the face you’ve earned and a great speech, the sheer phoniness of the ’08 campaigns, the third party gambit of the Christian right, why it’s not good to have your campaign folk thought of as thuggish, and I link to some good pieces on Therese of Lisieux

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