Hillary’s astonishing "misspeak" – UPDATED

Hillary’s astonishing "misspeak" – UPDATED March 24, 2008

I know, I know, to some my headline will seem strange. It is not news that Hillary is not averse to fibbing about cattle futures, fund raisers, or who who or what she can remember at any given moment. But even William Safire who, in 1996 called Hillary a congenital liar, had to have gasped at just how breathtakingly bold she can be in her tall tales:

Does Hillary not realize that a thing called the internet has come along? Does she not realize that if she stands at a podium and tells a dramatic tale of “flying in under evasive action” someone is going to look for the news stories about it?

Wait, wait! It’s all a mistake – Hillary just “misspoke!:

“It is possible in the most recent instance in which she discussed this that she misspoke in regard to the exit from the plane, but there is no question if you look at contemporaneous accounts that she was going to a potential combat zone, that she was on the front lines.”

Okay…giving her the benefit of a doubt…she took her daughter to this very dangerous “combat zone,” (where neither of them wore protective headgear) fine. What kind of judgment that shows is debatable, but fine. But as to the “misspeak” – well, heck, I misspeak every day; everyone does. To “misspeak” is to say “she’s a typical white person” when you mean to say “she is typical of some white people of that generation…”

When you’re saying “we ducked and ran and had to cancel the welcoming ceremony,” that’s much more than a misspeak.

Gateway Pundit sounds flabbergasted:

…There was not one bit of truth to what Hillary said…is frightening how easy she lies- rightening! Is there anything she will not do to steal her way into the White House?

As Ed Morrissey says the tape tells the tale:

Take another look at this video. Does anyone seem worried about sniper fire or any other attacks here?

No one is moving quickly. The media follows dutifully behind, and her bodyguards look smilingly down on the little girl reading the poem to Hillary.

Now, if she really felt like she was in danger, why would she leave her daughter out in the open on the tarmac, let alone that little girl? That’s the question Wolfson can’t answer, and why he’s probably buying Rolaids by the case this week.

Yes. You know this has to be a big bold bit of mendacity for CBS News to be covering it.

Ace has more. I’m betting that the press will allow Hillary to get by with the “misspeak” claim and will not press her further. They’ll do that partly out of habit, but also because it’s more fun for them, news-wise, with Hillary in the race than out of it.

My goodness, this is one uninspiring election season. I want all new candidates, please. These have been around so long they are, like fish, raising too great a stench.

:::UPDATE::: Well, Hillary is herself correcting the record. She didn’t mean to make it sound like she was under fire. But she was in a hurry because of what she’d been told by advisors and security guys. But she had to meet this 8 year old girl, listen to her poem and chat with her, or – as Hillary puts it – so I greeted her, I took her stuff and then I left…. Sigh. It still doesn’t quite jibe with the tape – where things seem pretty unhurried, does it? But what are you going to do? Actually this is getting kind of fascinating.:::END UPDATE:::

Jimmie at Sundries Shack is so stunned by Hillary’s breathtaking art that he’s lapsed into a cockney accent!

Betsy Newmark notes that Hillary and Obama are both filling out their thin resumes.

Fausta is appalled. And hates her coat, too.

Ann Althouse says, what, are you going to say she lied?

Powerline has subtle snark

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